209 is number one we can't be stopped we can't be beat 209 will blow your mind we're really kind of neat! |
- Thursday, March 18, 2010 @ 11:40 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERRUI! And good luck doing all your AAs and studying for SAs and doing your commonwealth essays everybuddy :((
- kwanglin |
- Thursday, March 18, 2010 @ 11:40 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERRUI! And good luck doing all your AAs and studying for SAs and doing your commonwealth essays everybuddy :((
- kwanglin |
Hai. My name is 209'10. Yes that's right, I'm 209 and '10 is my surname! I'm generally 14 this year and that's called young
Prepare those presents on 20th September 2010. Yeah, the date is on the 20th , in the month of September.
I'm currently attending a school called Raffles Girls' School and my class is called 209. HAVE A NICE DAY.
Layout ;
Inspiration .
Shermine and Allison for the edits. Previous Posts: CLAUDIA!!!KER RUI!!!HAPPY FOURTEENTH BIRTHDAY!!!!W... ; Happy Holidays ; HAPPY BIRTHDAY RGS!love,SineadP S I thought the cu... ; LJ week! ; /clap ; RANDOMMMMMMMM. ; HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL! ♥ and happy total defence d... ; HELLO 209! HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR AND VALENTINES D... ; HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUIMIN!this is for you ♥ -HAPPY BIR... ; Hello 209! I think we really-desperately need to s... ; Previous Months: February 2009 ; March 2009 ; April 2009 ; May 2009 ; June 2009 ; August 2009 ; September 2009 ; November 2009 ; January 2010 ; February 2010 ; March 2010 ; April 2010 ; September 2010 ; December 2010 ; October 2017 ; Image of the Week! You have a picture of the concubines during the Qing dynasty. stats for 209ers.